This was originally published as Falling for Ramos. The content is the same, just in a different order. It only takes one glance at the photo to realise that his heart is still with his first-and only-love.After ten years apart, Colin takes one look at the handsome man in the newspaper photo and realises his heart still belongs to the boy he met at nineteen. But a lot has happened between the innocent student landing in Ramos's lap and the battered and world-weary head teacher Colin is now.Now Ramos is back in town for a few days, and he wants to meet Colin. However, Colin has a boyfriend, and he doesn't cheat, even if his current relationship in its death throes.Colin is caught between his heart and his head. Ramos wants a second chance at love. But even if-and it's a big if-Colin agrees, Ramos will return home in a few days and the reason they split hasn't gone away. Is the man he never stopped loving worth changing Colin's whole world? Why does it have to be so complicated?