In the years after the stars fell, young Noah Manaluk, an Inupiat Eskimo living at Point Hope, Alaska, eats a piece of possessed seal liver that changes his life. By the time he is 17 he is a shaman who can call game to the hunters' spears and fish into nets cast by the People.
Thinker, a humpback whale, is the only one of his pod who perceives anything beyond his immediate surroundings. He has been aware for some time of the longteeth waiting at the top of the world, but now something has changed. A new presence has arrived and is calling out to him.
To his surprise, Thinker has discovered another creature exists who can completely communicate with him, something that has never happened in his life.
And this being wants to kill him.
Whalesong is the story of two disparate beings, enemies by the nature of their world yet closer in understanding than with any member of their own species. These two creatures have as much to learn about themselves as they do each other. Before long, they discover the come to rely on one another as they begin a journey which will not only change the world, but save it.