At fourteen, Matt Cambridge has executed so many pranks - the latest nearly destroying his school - that his parents are out of discipline options. So his father pulls a few questionable strings to get his son into Camp Friendship: A camp that promises to strengthen the moral compass of today's youth. With a name like Camp Friendship Matt imagines three punishing weeks of daisy chains and Kumbayas.
Within minutes of arriving at the camp, however, Matt's nearly killed--twice. It doesn't take long for him to realize there's more to this picture-perfect place than meets the eye. What sort of summer camp has programs in forging passports? Why do they have endless fight training, and weapons drills, and what is with the hidden rooms? Matt wonders if his parents realize they've enrolled him in what seems to be some kind of freakish, elite spy school.
What Matt doesn't yet know - and is soon to find out - is that Camp Friendship's ultimate purpose is far more sinister than he could possibly have imagined. With each dot he connects, he begins to understand that in the end he'll be left with two choices: pull the prank of a lifetime to escape this place...or die trying.
More by Steven Whibley The Cambridge Files: Book 1: Disruption
Book 2: Abduction (pre-order coming soon)
The Dean Curse Chronicles: Book 1: Glimpse
Book 2: Relic
Book 3: Impact
6th Grade Revengers: Book 1: Cat Crimes and Wannabes
Book 2: The Substitute Criminal
Book 3: A Game of Thorns
Book 4: Cinephiles and Hamster Hunters
Book 5: Super Trooper
Book 6: Secrets and Spies