Keith Stephens' mother taught him to fly when he was fourteen. At sixteen, he had his pilot's license. His parents were killed in a private plane crash when he was eighteen. The crash was ruled “pilot error.” Having just finished high school, he joined the Air Force and was able to do some amazing things for the government. When Keith got out of the Air Force, he decided to make flying his career. A few years later, some Top Secret files are discovered missing from the Pentagon. Through carefully placed news clippings, Keith is made aware that practically everyone he's had a connection with is now dead. Were all these deaths accidents? If not, who was killing them and why? Is Keith a target, too? Keith calls the police in Victoria, Vancouver, BC where he is living at the time and tries to tell them his story. Inspector Gaddis listens patiently, but has his doubts about Keith's story. Even when Keith is “attacked and left for dead,” all the evidence points to an attempted suicide. Now Keith's sanity is in question. Who is the killer? And what is the killer's reason? How can Keith prove he's not the killer?