THERE ARE PLANETS FAR OFF THE COURSE OF CIVILIZATION ...Violent, ugly worlds where peace and justice are abstract concepts. In the cause of law and order, these distant, outlaw worlds must be tamed. Such a job requires the intervention of one exceptional peace officer ... a Stellar Ranger.A solitary Ranger fighting for justice on the galactic frontier, Cinch Carston fears no man because he's never met anyone who has proved his equal. But one of the galaxy's richest and most brilliant lunatics has designs on the universe--and he's created something terrible to make his greedy dreams a reality.It's high noon on a desert backworld called Roget, and the Stellar Ranger is finally about to meet his match--only this time, it's not human. ONCE UPON A TIME IN THE FUTURE...Cinch's slug took Brilly high on the right side of the chest, almost at the shoulder. It didn't look like a fatal wound, no major organs there, but it put him down. The thug started yelling, cursing. Cinch moved forward to help the wounded man. The spring dog beat him there. Cinch emptied the rest of the magazine at the dog, but it was a waste of time and ammo. Apparently somebody had overriden its visual-attack-only program. There was nothing in the universe that could save Brilly. The sound of human flesh and bones being torn and crunched filled the night. Brilly stopped cursing. DON'T MISS STEVE PERRY'S NEXT STELLAR RANGER ADVENTURE, LONE STARComing soon from Event Horizon EBooks