Leslie and Sam have decided finally to set up house together. Unfortunately, they can't agree on a single item concerning their grand agenda. And besides, they don't have any money. So, they decide to try to find some on a world that has an abundance of it in the form of gold and gems. While there, they stumble across an extraordinary alien called Sings the Morning who has been badly beaten by an unknown assailant. They help her to carry out her plan of revenge and, for their reward, find themselves fleeing from an army of ravening zombies. Having escaped being torn apart, Leslie, Sam and Frank the dog, return to Earth with their alien companion and spend many nerve wracking days hiding their visitor from the prying public who tend to panic about such things as aliens and vampires. To compound her insecurity, Leslie meets an old school enemy, Simone, who now works as an investigative reporter - the most dangerous of all professions for a vampire striving to hide her secret identity, let alone trying to shelter an illegal otherworld alien. Leslie's efforts to keep her secrets are in vain and, in an effort to prevent Simone from broadcasting what she knows to the entire world, she tries a final desperate gamble to ensure Simone's silence.