After finding the first key to the mysterious portal of the Original Creators, Jack and Justin are eager to return to the hidden world, but they encounter a huge complication. Their secret is no longer a secret, because someone else now knows about the cave. And, to make matters worse, that someone is Jenny - a girl! However, under duress, they tell her about their clandestine activities and swear her to secrecy. And so, the three of them venture into the hidden world in an effort to find the second key. Accompanied by Whiskers and Feathers, the first obstacle the party faces is crossing a wide river. As it happens, Jenny becomes instrumental is helping them to do this, but not everything goes according to plan, because the river hides a deadly secret. They escape, but a further peril awaits in the form of a party of aggressive rats. And that isn't all. They elude the rats but find themselves facing the dangerous owners of the second key who refuse to relinquish their possession. However, a unique but gruesome solution presents itself, and the second key is finally obtained.