Originally published in 1992, this controversial novel tells the story of a young man named Flan who undertakes a harrowing journey through a charred and burning American landscape in search of his girlfriend, Holly. Accompanied by his talking fish Ginger Kang Kang, Flan follows destroyed railroad tracks through an ashen world gone completely mad with violence, barbarism, and cruelty where unimaginable suffering becomes laced with absurd comedy and impossibly hallucinogenic imagery. This cinematic mixture of Hieronymous Bosch, Night of the Living Dead and Dr. Seuss is also a tale of naive love, fading memories, and the confused displacement of reality in the face of total destruction. Uncompromising in its descriptions, Flan is the post-apocalyptic novel that invites the reader to visit the Hell on Earth that resides in the dark corners of our own dreams.