Elf Brion Wilde was sitting in his favorite canal-side restaurant, enjoying a nice glass of wine, when, suddenly, the whole world blew up around him. Now he finds himself on the front line of the Time War, fighting alongside Martian mercenary Sy Saxon and the legendary battle mage Lian Fyre. Their mission? To take out the bitch-goddess Yathmog, save the universe, and go home in one piece. Arrayed against them are evil forces from across all of time and space, and Brion knows a terrible secret: Even if Lian survives this battle, she is doomed to die when the war ends.
Stephen D. Sullivan is the award-winning author of dozens of novels and stories, including trilogies for Legend of the Five Rings, Spider Riders, and Dragonlance.
“Time War 2” is also available in Carnage & Consequences. Brion Wilde also appears in Tournament of Death 1 & 2. Sy Saxon also appears in Martian Knights. The Professor also appears in Time War (1).