With Saath destroyed, the Troll Wars over, and the neighboring armies at bay healing their wounds, Gau, the great watcher, has decided to make his move. His has one shot to save his species from the brink of extinction and rise to godhood. However, the temple dedicated to another, in his fortress, has sent out its distress call. Has Gau overstepped his bounds too soon? The demon lords of the Abyss continue to plot and make their initial move starting off the God Wars. Yet, there is a feeling that they have been played all along and have fallen into someone else's scheme all along. The very cosmos starts to shake as everything starts to unravel. Not even the gods are safe. Nothing will be the same again. Only cooperation and trust, among those that find it the most difficult, can stand a chance to bring some balance back into the world. But will it be enough? The stakes are high, lives are at risk, and a soul hangs in the balance.