Hell.Just do your time, they said.It will be easy, they said.What's a hundred years, sentenced to a prison in Hell?Well, I can tell you, for an Imp like me, it was a pretty long time.Because like most Imps, we were a mischievous sort and that tended to annoy people, say people like the prison guards. Which meant that my time in Hell had just gotten a lot more complicated. Because I was about to receive the type of punishment no living soul had ever come back from. Not a single one had ever survived.I was about to become a snack for the most dangerous Beast in all of Hell. The only one that gave even the Devil nightmares.Only I would soon find...He didn't intend to eat me at all.No, instead he decided...He was keeping me. This book may or may not but most likely does..okay, so it definitely does contain content of a sexual nature. Now if the idea of monster sex makes you want to go screaming into the night as you make the sign of the cross, then this book probably isn't the best choice for you. However if you have raised a brow with intrigue, then I welcome you to this sinful goodness.So get yourself comfortable and strap in, as you're in for a bumpy, fun filled, naughty ride.Love Pip. - Your friendly neighbourhood Imp.