The adventures of the Amazing Spider-Man continue as Peter Parker tries balancing his work problems and his love life, while Spider-Man faces enemies right and left! See the web-spinner trade blows with the classics (Doctor Octopus, the Vulture), the deadly (Foolkiller, the Juggernaut), and the new (Ramrod, Speed Demon)! Guest-starring the Fantastic Four, Moon Knight, the Black Cat, and the Punisher!
COLLECTING: Amazing Spider-Man #211-230 and
Amazing Spider-Man Annual #15 -- written by Dennis O'Neil, Michael Fleisher, Bill Mantlo, J.M DeMatteis, Jan Strnad, and Roger Stern; and illustrated by John Romita Jr., Luke McDonnell, Bob McLeod, Alan Kupperberg, Bob Hall, Frank Miller, and Rick Leonardi.