"Tangled: The Series" on Disney Channel is set between the events of the original film and the start of "Tangled Ever After." The series follows the long-locked Rapunzel (voiced by Mandy Moore) as she acquaints herself with her parents, her kingdom, and the people of Corona. Realizing there is much more she needs to learn before she can truly accept her royal destiny, Rapunzel puts her crown and her marriage on hold to seek out epic adventures, much to the dismay of her father, the King. Accompanying Rapunzel on her journey is the charming Eugene (voiced by Zachary Levi); the plucky chameleon sidekick, Pascal; the no-nonsense horse, Maximus; the Snuggly Duckling pub thugs; and newcomer Cassandra, a tough-as-nails handmaiden who becomes Rapunzel's confidante. This Deluxe Novelization is based on the series, coming to Disney Channel in early 2017. Featuring 8 pages of full-color images from the show, it's perfect for children ages 8 to 12.