A rhyming winter-themed book full of delicious snowflakes!
If snowflakes tasted like sugar plums . . .
they'd be dancing in my head.
If snowflakes tasted like oatmeal . . .
they would get me out of bed.
What if snowflakes tasted like oatmeal, honey, cocoa, gingerbread, or fruitcake? Filled with imaginative scenes of what it would be like if snowflakes tasted differently, such as: if they tasted like honey, we wouldn't need bees; if they tasted like plump figs, we would shake it off the trees; if they tasted like chestnuts, we would roast them by the fire; if they tasted like soup, we would slurp them for fun; and more! But since they taste like winter, we catch them on our tongues!