Serena Thomas is at the end of her rope. Desperately trying to keep her life together as she watches her mother fall victim to dementia, she's resorted to stealing as a last ditch effort to get her mother's medication. All of her strong will, drive and abundance of attitude is draining away as her situation gets worse and worse.Running from the cops after robbing a pharmacy, Serena finds herself confronted with Marines so fresh onto land they hadn't even gotten their civilian clothes. With the folks in blue still chasing her she has no choice but to run through them.Ben Winster and Paul Newton didn't know their first few hours back onshore would have them embroiled in a wanted person. Serena wasn't a horrible felon, though. They couldn't just turn her in after following her back to her house. Feisty and unafraid to dole out a punch or broken nose, she captures one Marine's attention as they help her deal with the eventual death of her mother.WARNING: Please note: this standalone short story contains graphic sex and is only intended for adult readers.