After 33 years, S.P. Somtow is finally creating a fifth book in the Inquestor universe, the galaxy-spanning science fantasy series that Theodore Sturgeon called the greatest magnitude of spectacle and color since Olaf Stapledon. The book is being released in a series of installments in pulp-sized magazine format. INQUESTOR TALES No. 4 contains the fourth episode of the novel, bonus reprints of the original version of The Thirteenth Utopia and The Web Dancer, stories incorporated into the tetralogy but never reprinted in their magazine form, a lettercolumn, and other notes and mini-articles from S.P. Somtow as well as from an interview with Czech journalist Tomas Bazika. In this episode, the Finding Bird pursues Tijas and Sajit - but who is fated to become the childsoldier, and who will survive on earth? Meanwhile, two civilizations struggle to coexist on one planet by a tragic bureaucratic blunder.