In the sequel to Riverrun, young Theo Etchison is drawn into Strang's terrifying dimension and begins a bizarre odyssey across an inverted land. “the finest new series of the 90s thus far... fantasy novels don't come any better than this! the makings of a classic!” -- Edward Bryant “Somtow himself, with a poet's cunning, arranges it all into what could be described as, like, Dante for the next millenium” -- Faren Miller in LOCUS “an object lesson in the potential of fantasy -- erudition and post-modern pop awareness spice the narrative -- adventurous, stirring writing, and Somtow's powerful, lucid prose glows with internal energy and intensity.” -- The London Times There is a twisted mirror-America somewhere past the boundaries of our dimension-where the Darkling conjurers do battle with dreams for possession of the ultimate prize - the world of men On a journey across the Arizona desert, the Etchison family ceased to exist - only to be returned to their fragile reality through the courage of young Theo Etchison, Truthsayer. Now the tides of the universe have shifted - reshaping and distorting a mortal world coveted by the warring dragon - children of the Darkling King Strang. And once again, Theo is drawn into Strang's terrifying dimension - to play King's fool on a bizarre odyssey across an inverted land... and to rescue his own brother, seduced by the demon forces of darkness, from the hell that has claimed him.