The Scarred Heart
Living and loving on a razor's edge...
August, 1814
Lovely Elizabeth Eltham, beloved sister of the Duke of Ellesmere, travels to her estate in Ireland with her brother to try to put the past behind them after the tragic death of their sister Jane.
Romance is the last thing on her mind as she helps set to rights the run-down estate. But a chance meeting with a dashing stranger in a mysterious cave is enough to awaken Elizabeth as a woman ripe for passion, and the love of the right man.
Everyone she meets longs to marry a Duke's daughter; she must trust her instincts to choose the one man who loves her body and soul. Elizabeth is presented with a dazzling array of suitors. Which man's kisses and embraces in the cave set her body afire and promised an eternity of sensual bliss?
That eternity is put at risk all too soon, as Elizabeth and beloved must move heaven and earth to uncover the identities of the traitors who have been operating in the area, and stop their plot to allow Napleon's troops to invade before all they love is swept aside.