Lake Geneva, 1951: Delphine looked up at Florian, her fingers grazing his cheek as she pressed her mouth to his, the sapphire tiara sparkling beside them. Yes, she whispered against his lips. I will marry you. If you can find a way, then I promise you. I will marry you. London, present day. Georgia holds the rare pink sapphire in her hands, watching it glitter in the morning light. It was left for her at Hope's House, a home for unmarried mothers whose babies were adopted. But how is it connected to the secrets of her family's complicated history? Georgia tries to forget about the sapphire, her heart too bruised by past hurts. But when she discovers the gemstone was part of a priceless tiara owned by the Italian royal family, she is drawn in by the mystery surrounding it. Her only way of finding answers is to travel to Lake Geneva to meet with the man who inherited the stunning tiara from his grandfather. When she arrives at the breathtaking lakeside city, handsome Luca tells her he's been searching for the missing stone for years and is eager to piece together how it arrived at Hope's House. As they spend sun-drenched days together, Georgia and Luca grow closer and uncover the passionate, forbidden love story of Delphine and Florian, whose tragic romance forced Delphine to make a heartbreaking decision with devastating consequences... As Georgia comes to terms with the decades-old secret, will it shatter everything she thought she knew about herself? Or will Delphine's courage inspire her to open up her own heart and build a new life with Luca?--Provided by publisher.