They were bound together by love's CAPTIVE CHAINS.
Nineteen-year-old Shaina Hill had yearned to be a teacher for as long as she could remember. And as she headed out for the remote area called Thunder Valley in the Washington Territory, she could scarcely believe that her goal was becoming a reality…especially when she discovered that her employer was the rugged rancher Travis Cordell. The most virile and handsome man that Shaina had ever met, Travis filled the innocent young beauty's head with a different kind of dream -- one of heated kisses and stolen embraces. Although Shaina had no experience when it came to the ways of love, she was always an eager student when it came to something new.
Travis Cordell didn't expect Thunder Valley's new schoolmarm to be such a lush beauty. Her strawberry blond hair haloed the beautiful planes of her face and her blue eyes sparkled with a curiosity and a zest for life that he had lost years ago. From the start she intrigued him -- and from that moment he knew that he had to make her his own. He wanted to teach a lesson in love, to hold her in his arms and brand her as his, imprisoning her forever in love's CAPTIVE CHAINS.