With just a glance at his terrified captive, the half-breed Lakota knew he'd have to possess her that night. To grasp her flowing blonde hair, to caress her creamy firm curves would catapult him to heights of ecstasy he'd never before known. But the arrogant brave was too proud to take an unwilling woman. Before the night was through, he promised his gorgeous slave that she'd be begging for his kiss, pleading with her bronze-skinned master to lead her again an again into the realm of indescribable pleasure and ecstatic abandon....
Denied her freedom, despairing of a rescue, the last thing on Willow's mind was desire. But as she gazed at her lean, muscled captor, the spirited beauty couldn't help but imagine herself in his arms. She tried to shut out such shameful thoughts--then felt a delicious tingle as his fingers traced her spine. His teasing touch sparked her sensuality; his nearness fired her need...and before Willow could say no, she became his prisoner of passion--forever caught in his CAPTIVE CARESS