"An authentic thriller from a mob guy who's obviously been there." -- Nicholas Pileggi, Author of Wiseguy (Film name: Goodfellas) With razor-sharp honesty, Sonny Girard, an ex-mobster himself, tells the story of "Mickey Boy" Messina, just paroled from prison for a crime he didn't commit, and in love with his brother's ex-girlfriend, Laurel, a complication on his road to becoming a "made man" in the Calabra Crime Family. Mickey Boy's mother, Connie, carries a secret of an affair that could cost her son his life. Chrissy Augusta, a top mobster's teenage daughter, walks a dangerous tightrope with a secret lover from another Cosa Nostra family. All three affairs collide with tragic results in the midst of a bloody mob war. From Little Italy social clubs to mob bedrooms, BLOOD OF OUR FATHERS is a tale of intimacy, loyalty and betrayal in the underworld - an underworld caught up in a war that threatens the life of everyone associated with it. Three love stories in a mob setting rather than a mob story, BLOOD OF OUR FATHER portrays family secrets, authentic organized crime politics, and bloodshed that crackles with vivid detail. "Girard shines as a storyteller...(he has an) authoritative grasp of the Mafia's inner workings." -- Publishers Weekly "This story is not just for guys. It's like Jackie Collins meets Mario Puzo. I loved it." --Katherine Narducci, Actor (Sopranos, Bronx Tale, etc.)