In time of need and time of fire You protected your heart's desire. In the coming years of woe All will fall ‘neath evil glow. But in the future lies our dreams -- Although the words of the Forgotten Prophecy encourage others to have hope, they strike fear into 13-year-old Saeb Flynnwick's heart. As a page, she survived a Wyzard's attack and saved a precious Dragon egg, but she never expected it to hatch…for her. Thrust into the unexpected role of Dragon Rider, Saeb discovers a lot about herself and the world around her -- and challenges the very foundation of her society. With mighty Galanth as her Dragon, the current leaders, the Tares, believe she will destroy their world, but everyone else believes that Saeb and Galanth will save it. Before the Wyzard's eyes see all, Saeb must accept the truth about her past, grow, and learn to believe in her future. For the first time, award-winning young adult author S.L. Rottman attacks teen issues in the fantasy genre. All the grit and determination of past characters is now tossed into a new world where ‘life' depends on learning the most valuable lessons in life: believing in yourself and doing what's right; even if people around you don't agree.