In this collection of four short stories, Peter Crestfallen is a San Francisco private investigator who has a penchant for attracting problem clients. He's the kind of gumshoe who'll always give a hundred percent, even if it's for a ten percent return.
In "Crestfallen's V.I.P.", Crestfallen has to track down a stolen teddy bear for a senior citizen and he'll have to go up against the White House to retrieve it.
In "Crestfallen's Getaway," Crestfallen has to smuggle a mob accountant out of San Francisco.
In "Crestfallen's Kink," Crestfallen is hired to find out what a housewife does in her off hours and is drawn into a dark world of alternative lifestyles.
In "Crestfallen's Widow," Jane Staam hires Crestfallen to prove she didn't kill her terminally ill, millionaire husband.