fourth installment of Charmed Fang, Alyssa and Justin experience what its like to be alone together for an extended period of time. This session of getting to know each other's love language they realize that what was once Justin's battle for survival is also the bind against a force that strives to end them both. The two must work together to discover their common enemy of destruction.Excerpt from Charmed Fang 4: Black Oak & GoldThe essence Justin drew through me left me strong enough to perform the best craftwork of my life so far. The talisman and charms I had made for us in the hours after our lovemaking hadn’t just captured little shards of my inner mysteries in the form of small black magic. Instead they held true power, the ability to reshape the world around us. “You smell of summer and sunshine. It’s on your hair and on your skin.”His hands had trembled on me as he had said it, and despite his tight control I had felt a thread of desperate longing for me in his thoughts. He needed me. Not just the craving of a forever-dying immortal starving for life, but for that connection in me with summer and sunlight and the warm world of the day that his sire’s bite had taken from him forever. Because of their curse, vampires could only smell blood or enemies, Justin had said one night while he watched me working in the loft. That’s all he had been able to smell since having been changed. Never summer rain or the bite of snow on the winter air, only blood and hate. Until me...