Overcome that nagging boss and tense rush-hour traffic by slipping into the world of the Old Order Amish during your lunch hour. Best-selling novelist, Sicily Yoder, who has Plain family, weaves a light, fun read in her thirty-third book.
Martha Yoder was chased away from her close-knit Amish community because of a hasty judgment handed down by the quilting group. Guilt of her misbehavior during one night of Rumspringa, in which she conceived her daughter, Alice, makes her let the kid rule her house.
However, when one of the judges at the quilting group passes on, she wills Martha her apple orchard, but there is a catch: she has to deliver a basket of secrets to women in her former Amish community, some of which were those that judged her over eight years ago.
While Martha struggles to deliver the notes, she must make friends with the tenant farmer, Ray Miller, at the apple orchard, and he has a secret of his that can change her and Alice's life forever.