Cover RefreshTruth is relative, but actions speak volumes.☆ Baker ☆My Mom refuses to accept handouts, and I was pretty much the same, thanks to the example she set, but it's winter break. Normally, she'd come to get me, but not this season, and I am out of options.I did what many other college students were forced to do-post a rideshare request on the board in the student union. I just never expected Kellan to reach out and offer.Is he genuine, or will this end like our last conversation-him bleeding and my hand hurting?☆ Kellan ☆Baker changed me without even trying.He is the guilt I carry in my heart. The one person I measure myself against. Every day is a game of 'What would Baker do?' He had a moral compass that everyone else in my life lacked. He was fiery and passionate. He also packed a mean right hook.That we ended up attending the same college was no coincidence. That he needed a ride, however, was. I knew his number by heart.We met and I think I fell for him in the first hour. I'd drive him for free, just to have the chance to tell him what I should've said all those years before. I might have said nothing that day, but I didn't stop my friends. See, I knew his truth, and perhaps now it could set me free.