Two runaway hearts. A love in hiding. One small secret that might never be found… The downside of being roped into dying 100 eggs for the Petrie's Crossing Easter Egg Hunt? Well…dying 100 eggs without cracking any shells. But there's an upside that makes Shannon smile. Getting included in the town's celebrate-every-holiday obsession is a good sign she's been accepted.After a month-long break from her Aunt Caroline's trinkets box, enjoying Mitch's cooking, Shannon takes the gloves off for a set of vintage hairpins. The moment her fingers touch aged gold and pearls, she envisions a frightened teenage woman running away with her unborn child's father. The mystery deepens with the discovery the young woman was reported missing and never found. The problem is, Shannon's visions have revealed details that could close a cold case -- but break a family's hearts. Can she return the trinkets while withholding the truth? Or will trusting one person too many cause a backlash that could drive her away from all she loves -- her adopted home town, her friends, even Mitch?