The handsome, charming Compte de Varron made no secret of why he had come to England, and now laid siege to Theodora Radlett.
He sought to reclaim the fabulous necklace known as the Diamond Waterfall, once the property of his family, and now in the clutching hands of the old and dying Viscount Radlett.
By now Theodora was hardly shocked that so captivating a man might want more than love from her. She already had learned that her equally attractive and attentive cousin Benedict could easily use her as his stepping stone to wealth and title.
The puzzle was, which man should she choose in a world where no man seemed to be perfect? What test could she devise to discover what was really on their minds when they pleaded with her ... and how could she be certain of what was really in their hearts...?
Reedited as: Cousins of a Kind