Everyone wants to feel normal. Will Ainsley ever be able to? A best friend, a boyfriend, and a coveted spot in the talent show. All ordinary things for most teens, but unheard of for Ainsley Blue. For fifteen years, Ainsley zigzagged across the country, moving to a new town every few months, but after more than a year at the same school, she's sure she finally has a normal life. Then one afternoon, she comes home to find Mum packing, and everything changes again. Heartbroken, Ainsley sends a wish to the universe. All she wants is to have a home she never has to leave and to understand why they live like drifters. Desiree, a stressed-out hippie genie, arrives to grant her wish but warns that the truth may not be easy to accept. Ainsley insists she can handle whatever happens, but nothing can prepare her for what she's about to learn.