When Tain wakes up in a primitive slave market on the planet Oliven, she knows that things on her anthropological research trip to this primitive world have gone terribly amiss. She and her partner, Ennie, should have been perfectly safe disguised as upper class women, but Ennie, hired only because of her connections to the director of Tain's department, broke every rule in the book and put them in grave danger.Once they're sold as slaves, they're as good as lost and Tain knows it. Slaves on Oliven are supposed to be completely obedient, sexually and otherwise — and when they're not, they're switched and spanked soundly. She'd been sent to Oliven to help stop slavery in the galaxy and now she's in terrible danger of becoming one forever. That is, until Jake Killen strolls through the slave market.Tain knows Jake well, all too well. And then he buys her…