Michiganâ€"born brothers John and Jason Evans took a ski trip in the Rockies, but only one came home aliveâ€"John was tragically killed on a daring descent down Devil's Run, an infamously dangerous slope.
In an attempt to soothe his guilt and grief, Jason sets out to make amends with his widowed sisterâ€"inâ€"law, Rachel, by offering to help with her two small children, doing odd jobs around her house, and trying to ease her own heavy burden of grief. A new Christian, he is bent on growing his faith and helping Rachel see her way through the fog of pain and confusion.
Left to raise her threeâ€"yearâ€"old daughter and newborn son on her own, Rachel Evans is anything but willing to become her brotherâ€"inâ€"law's charity case, particularly since they have a history she'd rather forget. She's determined to make it on her own but soon finds that God has other plans for herâ€"and for Jason. Can she accept the Lord's leading and still honor her late husband's memory?