While balancing the rigorous demands of regular schoolwork, Jon eagerly begins his magi-cal training on Dragon Isle. At the same time, the Dragon Clan starts to search for other Earth-born sons and daughters of Yden's wizards. Using a purloined map, however, the Fox Clan has already begun recruiting the children of Yden for their own sinister plans. Jon soon discovers Guinn of the Fox Clan is searching for a magical artifact called the Por-tal Key -- and he's more than willing to kill for it. Worse, Guinn's desire to settle an old score puts Jon directly in his sights. As Guinn's schemes fall into place, Jon is forced to hurt a close friend to protect her. Can he learn enough magic in time to thwart Guinn's ambitions? Will he find the inner strength to survive injury, bitter betrayal, and horren-dous loss? The fate of Earth and Yden hangs in the balance.