DON'T BUY THIS BOOK...If you are a Trump supporter or a Fundamentalist Christian, don't buy this book then read it and get mad. This book isn't for you. The title alone ought to be enough to tell you that you will be offended.This book is for everyone else. It's for everyone whose life already sucked when 45 stole the highest office in the land and started to do unspeakable things to the country we love. Trump took our hope, stuck it in a paper sack, lit it then dropped it on our doorstep and rang the bell. Working class Baby Boomers are between a rock and a hard place. Stuck between taking care of elderly parents, dealing with drug addicted kids, and raising their grandkids. We are dealing with problems no other generation has had to deal with and then we got Trumped.Brenda has had a rough life. Nothing is going her way, and she is just juggling way too many problems at once. Like many people, the election and the results have left her feeling hopeless. Is the apparition she keeps seeing and talking to just an indication of how crazy she has become under the stress of her life or is it really there to help her? If so... why doesn't it just do it and go away!