Mac Greer was a warrior, a dangerous man whose entire adult life had been lived in the eerie fog of crosshairs and camouflage. Over the years, he'd slipped in and out of the world's jungles, concrete and otherwise, doing the unspeakable. In the interim, he'd wrecked a marriage and a fathered a daughter. Now, he was retired - well, almost - and had retreated to a quiet life aboard his forty-foot sloop, Madness. He was lonely. Female Crew - One woman wanted as crew for 40' sloop. 2 to 3 monthsail from Key West to Bahamas and return. Bunk and board provided. No drugs. Interested parties inquire aboard Madness in Slip D23. Alison Craig was alone and desperate. Running from an abusive husband, she'd reached the end of the line, Key West. Although a professional, she worked in a bar, used a false name. But in the end she knew Rick would find her; he was a cop. She looked again at the notice on the bulletin board. Bunk and board, it said. Sex and sailing, she thought. Alison shuddered. There was no choice, but maybe, just maybe, it would be all right.