For a Ghost-Free Time, Call is an episodic supernatural adventure set in the emerald city of Eugene, Oregon which follows a young man, whoâ€"since he was a boyâ€"has had the irritating ability to see ghosts all around him. Episode Four begins shortly after a startling revelation about the strange incidents happening all over town.
With a bolstered resolve, Jared, Dizzy, and Sam pulled an all-nighter in an attempt to solve the mystery of the city's supernatural disasters. After discussing their eerie findings about a connection between the worst incidents, Jared sets out to investigate several sites, looking for the truth behind what links them. What he finds and drags the group into will set them on a path towards a challenge they never expected, one they might not be ready for.
For a Ghost-Free Time, Call is a supernatural thriller written by up and coming Pacific Northwest author Sean Kelly (author of "The Drive Home: A Tale of Bromance and Horror" and co-founder of Emerald Inkwell, A Pacific Northwest Publishing Community) and this is the fourth chapter in an episodic series brought to you by Emerald Inkwell. Every city has their supernatural annoyances, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with them. Instead, for a ghost-free time, just call.