White Monsoon (by Scott Nelson) is the code name for a Libyan terrorist plot to flood the United States with bargain-basement-priced-heroin. The PG-13 novel is broken up into two books originally published separately but intertwined in the current version with the first chapter of the second book inserted at the beginning to introduce the protagonist and the second chapter of the second book inserted after the fourth chapter of the first book. Other than that - - no changes. The first book, subtitled Morphine Base, follows the terrorists who cannot be stopped as they act out their plan to steal the contents of a large backyard-swimming-pool-sized opium vat holding over 400 tons of partially dehydrated opium from the Government Opium & Alkaloid Works in Neemuch, India worth over $36 Billion (in 1992 when this book is set) once converted to heroin. The second book, subtitled Pure Heroin, is a love story about an anywoman waitress helping an anyman husband and father who's family's been ripped apart by drug smugglers. This visual international work takes the reader to many exotic places that may never have appeared in a novel or on screen before. One reader told me she would stand up, cheer and applaud the ending if this book about an unlikely American hero ever gets made into a movie. It's a story of hope in a troubled time. These books took two years to research including interviews with special agents and the former opium buyer for the pharmaceutical giant - Malinkrodt.