The Army Brat series tells the story of the Ron Hawkins, career special forces soldier, and his family. Ron Hawkins saves Afghan girl, Sarah Rajiv, the daughter of a Soviet officer, from the Taliban following 9/11. Their deep love for each other, developed while surviving in the Hindu Kush Mountains, leads to marriage and an Army family of three. Hawkins, an honorable soldier, leaves his family behind in The Army of One, to embark on a Top Secret mission involving another rescue--this one of a Sunni tribal chief's daughter, from the evil hands of ISIS in Fallujah, Iraq. His strong character runs deep through the family's blood when his youngest son is drafted by the NHL Nashville Predators while his oldest daughter, Asha Hawkins, becomes the first female Green Beret, and is dubbed The Millennial Girl. Set on her first Top Secret Mission, Asha selects Rachel and Jericha to help her infiltrate Stan Smith's multi-billion dollar empire specializing in merging human traffic victims with cybernetic experimentation and robotic replication--with the full knowledge of world government leaders in the highest places.