In a laboratory on a distant Earth-like planet, a devoted scientist, works diligently to find a cure for a debilitating disease that attacks a large portion of the planet's population. During her research, a terrible accident mutates the virus into a deadly replicating organism that attacks any animal it comes in contact with.The organism spreads rapidly throughout the facility, creating a horde of savage creatures that kill without mercy. A handful of personnel, a mixture of scientists and security officers, make it out of the structure before emergency protocols are implemented that destroys the facility.As the group of survivors race toward a secondary lab hoping to find a cure to stop the apocalypse, a series of explosions at numerous other facilities weaken the nuclear core of the planet, creating a nuclear meltdown.Unable to stop the impending doom, the group is forced to leave the planet in a last-minute escape. Aldin watches devastated as the planet explodes, before they quickly make the jump to light-speed, unknowingly carrying fragments of their dead planet with them in their wake, and emerge just outside Earth's orbit.