Victoria: A Tale of Spain is a historical period-drama adventure for girls, set in 17th century Spain. 14-year-old Victoria is one of the younger members in the Segovian ducal family. Her home is a rugged castle just a few miles from the king's summer residence, but Victoria has never seen the king. That changes when her older sister learns from a mysterious mercenary that King Felipe has a grudge against the dukes of Segovia. An invitation to visit the court leads Victoria to discover that the king plans to kill everyone in her family because of a threat to his throne. And her married sister Julia, living abroad, is next. With little time to protect her family, Victoria must trust a prince who offers to help her and overcome two incompetent thugs and a hostile cousin obtruding himself at all the wrong moments. There's a bit more to being a duchess than she bargained for. Historical Fiction 218 pages. No content warnings.