Stupefying Stories emerges from long-term cryosleep with a great new lineup of science fiction, fantasy, political comedy and horror! (There is a difference between those last two. Trust us.) Featuring:• MAKING MONSTERS, by Sarah Read• AT WORK IN THE FIELDS OF THE LORD, by Edoardo Albert• PLEASE PASS THE PURVIEW, by Conor Powers-Smith• DESTROYER OF WORLDS, by Evan Dicken• THE SEVENTEENTH MEETING CONCERNING THE POSSESSION OF PATRICIA COTTON, by L Chan• URSA MAJOR, by Lynne M. MacLean• THE BOO HAG, by David Bowles• RECKONING IN SPOTSYLVANIA, by Ambrose Stolliker• ANTIMIRUS, by Mike Reeves-McMillanAlways fun and exciting, never predictable, Stupefying Stories is the terrific new reading you've been looking for!