Adjusting to a new life isn't always easy, even when it's in a place you've spent nearly every vacation and holiday you've ever had, and with people you've known your whole life. No one knows that better than Miranda Stevens after she moves to Stevens Island to be with her family.And when a young, enigmatic, and handsome stranger walks into her life, asking for directions, Miranda's life takes an even more drastic turn â€" head on into love.Sam Kelly is like no one she's ever known before, and every time he looks at her with his perfect smile, and those big, beautiful, sparkling blue eyes of his, everything else just fades away, sending a crazy, twisting, fluttering sensation resonating through her heart, and making her knees go weak.And the best part is, he's fallen just as fast and hard into love with her. The fact that he fits right in with her large, crazy, impulsive, and fiercely loyal, loving, and supportive family is only one more thing that strengthens and connects them.Sometimes changes aren't always easy, but when they come at the right time, they can be the best things that ever happen to you.