The girl in the dock, Camilla Barnard, was almost beautiful; she was pale -- she was accused of having killed her husband. A bride at nineteen, she had been married for 7 years; she had a 6 year old son. -- Antony Maitland was acting as junior to Bruce Halloran, Counsel for the Prosecution. It wasn't the first time Antony had worked with Halloran, but usually for the defense.
Mrs. Barnard insisted she was innocent. In spite of her protests, Camilla Barnard was found guilty of manslaughter and sent to prison for 4 years.
Seven years later Antony came home one evening to his wife asking how often a person is tried twice for murdering her husband. Antony said it can't happen. I suppose you mean she was acquitted. No his wife said, this is her second husband. The lady was Camilla. Her second husband was her first husband's cousin. Antony Maitland again found himself involved with Mrs. Barnard, this time for the defense.