The ordinary and seemingly unrelated lives of Trejaeran Muirel and Qynh Reoder are forever and irrevocably changed when they learn they are brother and sister, twin heirs to the throne of Tiralainn, and the children of a murdered King of Men and Queen of the Elves. By Elfin prophecy, one of them will one day defeat Ciardha, the evil and immortal Queen who now reigns over the realm, and restore the alliance of men and Elves. The twins have been raised apart and in secret for sixteen years to keep them safe from Ciardha and her dark army of Damantas. When their havens are discovered, their families attacked, Qynh and Trejaeran are rescued from certain death and brought among the rebel forces of the Comhar, an alliance of men and Elves who mean to see the twins fulfill their promised destiny. While Qynh has witnessed the butchering of her family at the sword points of Ciardha's soldiers and is more than willing to greet this fortune, her brother Trejaeran is not so eager. His father still lives, abducted by the Damantas, and he would risk his own life--even his very soul--to see his father freed. Trejaeran follows his heart, embarking with a group of Comhar warriors to rescue his father, while Qynh follows the path destiny would seem to dictate for her, riding forth with the Comhar army to wage war against Ciardha. Along each of these perilous and battle-fraught journeys, as new friends are made, unexpected enemies are discovered, and loves are fostered and broken, the twins must ultimately decide whether their fates are predestined, or determined by their own hearts.