The long hot Louisiana summer just got hotter for Rene LeDeux. He's burned out by D.C. politics and only wants to build his cabin in peace. But if his wacky, matchmaking great-aunt has her way, Bayou Black's prodigal son will be hitched before he can say butt-naked! That honor goes to Valerie "Ice" Breaux, Rene's high school nemesis turned Trial TV anchor, who's been abducted by Rene's activist friends.
Mon Dieu! It's bad enough being kidnapped and having her power suit ride up her thighs. Did she have to land in the lap of the most irritating, sexiest hunk she's ever laid her eyes on? Now Val's stranded in Rene's remote cabin, besieged by irrepressible LeDeux relations, not to mention a dingbat duo out to save the swamp. It's a heat wave, guar-an-teed! Val vows she'll give her heart to the Cajun bad boy when alligators fly. Rene swears to get the girl who got away. It's never been steamier in the bayou than with two people this red-hot with desire...and more than ready for love.