In Hill's latest novel, a female Navy SEAL is transported back in time to the eleventh-century Norselands, where she encounters her greatest challenge in an irresistible Viking warlord...
If life weren't dangerous enough, stuntwoman Rita Sawyer has been recruited by the Navy SEALs. Now instead of being lit on fire and hurtling through skyscraper windows, she's trying to survive her grueling SEALs training. But when a sea operation goes wrong, Rita awakens to find herself still clad in her wet suit and in a cage with a bunch of Vikings staring at her. With no idea how she traveled back in time to the Norselands, all Rita is certain of is that her Viking warlord captor is tempting her beyond reason...
Steven of Norstead can't believe the sight before him. The strange sea creature he found is actually a beautiful woman. But with her sharp tongue and irksome ways, Rita's like no other woman he's ever known. Steven's been in a cold, dark mood for many a sennight. Mayhap this unusual woman will be the one to light his fire...