SEAN -- A Dashing Pirate Who Loved Her Rough and Wild...
Ever since he'd restored the Scarlet Butterfly Sean Rogan had learned to expect strange occurrences on the ancient schooner -- a scent of tobacco, a sudden shift of her deck -- but he was stunned to find a pale fairy creature asleep in his bunk! How had Carolina Evans managed to slip like smoke past the armor he'd forged around his emotions, and now made him burn to possess her?
Sir Galahad, or Only a Rogue Sea Captain?
Sean warned her he was no safe haven in a storm, that he'd hurt the people he loved most -- but Carolina reveled in the sensual pleasure he taught her the freedom she fell in his arms. She vowed to fight his demons lust as he'd vanquished the shadows that haunted her heart. Could she show him that only by fulfilling a promise made long ago a legacy of love could be theirs forever?