The emotions evoked by the passionate alien empath could kill them both...
Trapped in another galaxy and forced into a deadly contest, Armond Nolde wants one thing: Win so he can return home and continue his life's work as an Earth Protector creating portals.
His assigned partner, Vin, is large, passionate and overly talkative. She's everything Armond is not. An Empath, Vin is fascinated by the emotionless albino. He's easy on the eyes and cold as space -- or so it seems.
Armond soon learns that Vin possesses an intelligence that rivals his own. When he is forced to connect with his psi to save Vin's life, she discovers his deadly secret. More powerful than any psi before him, his control is slipping. Threatening to unleash a deadly force.
If they bond it could destroy them both.