Karma shockingly takes everyone by surprise when she stepped up to help her family against one of the biggest street wars in the hood, and once it's over she was the happiest girl in the world. Living in bliss, having her family back together, and breathing with ease while knowing that Mack can no longer haunt her was all that mattered to Karma. She had proven to everyone that she could get downright gangster and still love all in the same world, but her fairytale world soon becomes challenged again. Demons are lingering around and Karma realizes just how bad they can be disguised. What happens when the people who are supposed to protect you are the same ones who are trying to ruin you? What happens when people who you thought were all in the past, comes back to seek revenge? Karma being a new mommy and the backbone to her man, vowed that she would risk her own life before losing her family; her daughter Miracle means the world to her and she would not allow her to live without her father. She would continue to be his second pair of eyes and ride for her man. Hit in the heart by emotional love is exactly what Karma is experiencing and there are no other words to describe the way she feels about Santana other than lovestruck. She had become the true definition of a ride or die chick. Find out what happens in this emotional finale.