The fates do not seem to have smiled upon young Christy Poindexter who, raised a 'proper young lady,' is unable to secure a job to bolster the family's waning income. Her younger brother, Art, seems more interested in his own pleasures and can hardly spare a dollar to help support their mother, the frail, aging Rolena, always the fine lady and unwilling to accept her family's bankruptcy. But their fortunes change when Art is hurt at his job on the Inca Ranch, owned by Roger Gordon. roger takes the whole family into his spacious hacienda and offers Christy a job as housekeeper, thus saving them from relying on strangers' charity. When their mansion is considered for the site of a hospital, Christy and her mother exault in a recovered sense of pride. They will have money in their own right and will regain their position in the town. but first Christy must fight the 'help' of so-called friends who are trying to cheat the Poindexters. Although Roger loves her, Christy is unable to feel anything but friendship for him--she has given her heart to handsome Dr. Stuart Holmes, who will be installed as director of the new hospital. But Stuart has some different ideas, both about love and about his career. Christy's final realization of her own personal values and love makes a heartwarming conclusion.